Gratitude for Support during the Pandemic

On March 14, 2020, we closed the doors of the Marfa and Presidio County Museum to the public to do our part to slow the spread of Covid-19. A significant portion of the museum’s revenue stream comes from proceeds from the Museum Thrift Store and donations from visitors to the Museum. We are pleased to report that this income loss, while we have been closed, has been greatly tempered by generous agencies, allowing us to keep our employees working and the lights on without depleting our humble resources.

We thank the City of Marfa for the second installment of a HOT grant awarded last fall, THANK YOU! We are also grateful to the CARES Act which allowed us to apply for a Payroll Protection Plan loan to keep employees working and a roof over the thrift store. We successfully met the terms of loan forgiveness, essentially turning this PPP loan into a grant. A big thanks to Marfa National Bank for helping us to secure this loan! Finally, we are pleased to announce a Coronavirus Relief Grant from Humanities Texas and The National Endowment for the Humanities that will help us to cover payroll, rent and utilities through the summer.

All of this support is truly inspiring and deeply appreciated!